The development of every nation does not depend on it’s financial background or it’s resources.
Every nation needs people to develop. Not just people, but people with positive mindset towards nationhood.
That’s why all our resources coupled with the loans,grants,aids etc Ghana has received over the decades appear to be a drop in an ocean.
The white man has no natural resources, but they’re developed, why because they’ve the knowledge.
Natural resources don’t be they become.
You need the technology to exploit them to your benefit, that’s why the white man started looking for knowledge since time immemorial. Blacks we don’t have the knowledge, and we won’t do research, even what the white man has discovered and documented, we’ll not go and learn.
People will choose ‘galamsey’ over schooling.
Our men will choose to marry more wives than taking proper care of their children, especially, their education.
That’s why we need compulsory education in this country.
We need to manufacture and produce our own goods to survive in this modern world.
But you can’t manufacture just like that,because you don’t have the knowledge and when you do re-engineering too, it becomes piracy.
So we need to purchase patencies to start legal re-engineering, may be, for the mean time.
But that alone cannot save us, we need to also do research and to discover and invent,cos, we’ve also got heads which are not different from the White man’s own.
The easiest way to acquire wealth and to develop your country is discoveries and inventions.
Think of Bill Gates, who became the richest man on earth just by invention.
Can you believe that Bill Gates is richer than the whole of Ghana government and it’s people?
Now,do you know the benefit his government and and it’s citizens are enjoying from B.Gates invention?
Problems of this world are not solved by people, they’re solved by heroes and heroines.
In Ghana, all our efforts(strength, knowledge, struggle, hustle etc) combined can’t solve our problems, but the intelligence of a single individual can take us out of our doldrums.
However, such individuals are thin on the ground and every country or better still,community, has them.We’ve thousands of B.Gates in this country, but,our environment doesn’t help them to fully exploit their talents.
One black aerobic engineer from U.S. visited Ghana to see Apostle Safo’s inventions and when he went on air on Unique FM’s ‘Ghana today’ program, he was furious.
He lamented that our leaders don’t have hearts for their countries.
He asserted that if Apostle Safo was to be an American, he would’ve been greater than G.Gates.
Our leaders attitude is killing us,but are they from space? No!!
They come from within us,that means,it’s our attitude that is destroying us.
But there’s a way out,which is 100% literary rate in Ghana.
If we’re all educated, by now we had revolted against our leaders to ensure that the right thing is done.
accessible, compulsory and above all, quality education will engulf those heroes and heroines, who can make better discoveries and inventions that can rake in money from all parts of the world into this country.
Because in today’s world, some inventions are part of the basic necessities of life.
Think of the mobile telephony.
Confucius says:
Infact,we blacks,we’ve a lot to learn. Our problem is bigger than the way we think it’s.
Pls I have a lot to tell Ghanaians, so,keep following, sharing and inviting others to like my page(FUNS OF DJ PRODDY)
Source: communitywatchdoggh/ DJ Proddy