Residents of Zongo Macheri, a community in the Krachi Nchumburu Constituency in the Volta Region are compelled to share the only water source in the community with pigs, cattle and other animals in the community.

Communitywatchdoggh visit the community and revealed the current situation was a result of water shortage as the dry season sets in.

Some female students of the community in an interview with communitywatchdoggh shared the unpleasant experience they go through daily in their quest to have access to portable water.

“We have to wake up as early as 3:00am and walk about 2 to 3 kilometers get to portable water. However, this search is a dream which is never realized.”

An Assembly Member for the area Mark Takase however appealed to the public for support.

“We are calling on government; NGO’s and Cooperate entities to come to come to our aid to construct a mechanized borehole and help maintain the broken once to help supply the entire community.”

We are dying because we share the same water with ducks and cattle. Portable water is all we ask,” he cried.

The chief of Nana Kofi Agyane Josephe I also appealed to the government to treat their story as a matter of urgency.

According to the chief, their only source of water is the dugout which drinking from is sometimes difficult but stick to it because have no other alternative to get water.

“When it rains, human waste and other harmful materials get into the water which we also fetch to drink.”

The Zongo Macheri community is noted to be one of the water shortage area and has recorded the death of most children in the community.

posted from Bloggeroid