N/R Indiscriminate disposal of refuge in Gumani and it’s surrounding may lead to the outbreak of disease and bad odors in the community said by resident.

Resident in Gumani in the Sagnarigu municipality in the northern regional capital-Tamale has called on the sanitation authority to come to their aid.
According to them Indiscriminate disposal of refuge in Gumani and its surrounding may lead to the outbreak of disease and bad odors in the community.
Disease like malaria and many more are in the area due to the refuge living in the area.
When communitywatchdoggh.com visited the area and have an interview with some residents of the community, they said even though they have dustbins but the sanitation agencies fails to empty them when they gets full which is affecting the people in the area.
These they said have lead to the rampant refuge in the community and it is not the best.
A resident Mr. Baba Hassan said, they have complained several times to the assemblyman and the Sagnarigu municipality but yielded nothing.
Mr. Hassan said the sanitation agencies in the region has fails totally and they need to be putting in order and therefore appeal to the authorities and government to come to their aid if not the likelihood of people in the community is in danger and disease is possible to affect them.
Meanwhile the assemblyman for the area Mr. AWAL said, they have put measures in place to solve the problem.